Wiggly Loaf in Space
Wiggly Loaf takes off into outer space in homage to all the great Science Fiction movies we all love. If you are a fan of Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr. Who, Blade Runner, and my favorite: Alien, there are lots of fun surprises for the classic Sci-Fi lover. Although Wiggly Loaf is flying in a…
Wiggly Loaf Snowball Battle
Wiggly Loaf builds a snow fort and snowball battles a Snowman in 1 or 2 player mode. Player 1 is Wiggly Loaf who hides in snow forts and ice structures to avoid getting hit with snowballs. The goal is for Wiggly Loaf to collect all 7 winter holiday decorations found on the platforms before getting…
The Weird Heart of Wiggly Loaf
Hearts are strange things. They never do what you tell ’em. It’s as if they have a mind of their own. Wiggly Loaf knows a lot about hearts. He’s an expert at winning them over. Wiggly Loaf is so spongy soft you just want to hug and squeeze that little critter all day and night.
So many Wiggly Loaf games
Wiggly Loaf wants to thank you all and feels so lucky to get to play with so many nice people all over the world. Thanks for getting Wiggly! iOS Games include: Android Games include:
Wiggly Loaf Color Wheel
Now available at http://WigglyLoaf.com ~ a free download for iOS and Android. Hey, it’s J.E.Moores. I’m down in the basement greasin’ up my Dirty Little Game Machine. Wiggly Loaf and I have been grinding and grinding for weeks until we’ve hand cranked out a new game for you all. It’s called Wiggly Loaf Color Wheel.…
Made with Buildbox
The kind folk over at Buildbox asked for a little information about their user base, but all I talked about was Wiggly Loaf. I sorta went off on a tangent, but I wanted to share what I wrote because I sometimes forget that most of the world doesn’t already know Wiggly Loaf yet. So this…
Wiggly Loaf Mobile Game Update
I’m adding more levels to the Wiggly Loaf mobile game for iOS and Android. Keep winning hearts! Watch out for the Pit of Doom! New challenges in the update coming soon.