wiggly loaf snow ball battle

Wiggly Loaf Snowball Battle

Wiggly Loaf Snowball Battle iOS game
Wiggly Loaf Snowball Battle for Android now on Google Play

Wiggly Loaf builds a snow fort and snowball battles a Snowman in 1 or 2 player mode.

Player 1 is Wiggly Loaf who hides in snow forts and ice structures to avoid getting hit with snowballs. The goal is for Wiggly Loaf to collect all 7 winter holiday decorations found on the platforms before getting hit with a snowball.

Player 2 is the Snowman who throws snowballs at Wiggly Loaf. The Snowman can win in 2 ways. First by taking out Wiggly Loaf with a snowball or when Snowman has hit 15 gifts.

But that’s not all.

There’s a mini game. Here ye shall find the hungry BEAST of winter. Feed the Beast, as the lore goes, or winter will never end!

Don’t Get Weird ~ Get Wiggly.

Wiggly Loaf Snowball Battle iOS game
Wiggly Loaf Snowball Battle for Android now on Google Play


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