Wiggly Loaf takes off into outer space in homage to all the great Science Fiction movies we all love. If you are a fan of Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr. Who, Blade Runner, and my favorite: Alien, there are lots of fun surprises for the classic Sci-Fi lover.
Although Wiggly Loaf is flying in a modern state-of-the-art rocket ship, he begins to have a few problems. First off, life support is starting to fail, so the ship’s computer asks Wiggly Loaf to fix the fuse boxes. Once Wiggly Loaf agrees, the computer also adds that the laser security system needs to be shut down in order to fix the fuse boxes. That sounds dangerous.
If that’s not bad enough a bunch of Alien UFOs attack the ship and begin abducting your friends and crew! Wiggly Loaf must battle the UFOs and rescue the ship’s crew. All in all, Wiggly Loaf In Space is one epic mobile game adventure.

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